Monday, October 8, 2012

Flashback to 7th grade: Busted by my girlfriend

At some point I'm going to revise this story so it has more detail. I wrote this like a year ago... ;P

Bethany (5'5" and above-average) met Dylan at the start of 7th grade. Now, with a month left of school, she is dating him.

Dylan is hanging out at Beth's house watching TV with her on the couch. They are on the couch in a position where Beth's bare feet are in his lap, since she loves getting footrubs from her boyfriend. They are watching Tosh.0, and Dylan tickles Beth's foot while laughing. As a reflex, Beth kicks her foot forward, and it accidentally hits a sensitive area. She feels her instep squish the grapes between her boyfriend's legs, and immediately pulls her leg back. But the pain has already been dealt, and Dylan is groaning in pain. "I'm so sorry, Dylan!" Beth says, but for some reason, in the back of her mind, she seems to have enjoyed seeing her boyfriend hurt like that...

About 20 minutes later, she's still thinking about it, and Dylan has already fully recovered. She moves her foot until her toes find one of his testicles, and she starts to squeeze lightly. Again and again. Dylan looks down and sees, and asks Beth what she's doing. "Oh, nothing," Beth replies as she squeezes harder and harder with each squeeze. Dylan says "come on Beth, why do you gotta be like that?"

Beth stops, gets up on her knees, and crawls up to Dylan. "Because," she says, "I seem to be suddenly enjoying something new." She smiles at him, her hand rubbing up and down his thighs. "Well, what is it?" Dylan asks. "Do you really want to find out?" Beth asks in a sweet voice. "Yes." Dylan says. Beth moves her hand down to her boyfriend's goodies, and she squeezes them hard, again and again. Dylan groans in pain, and starts to try to convince Beth to stop. "I wanna be able to have kids, Bethany..." he says. Beth simply ignores him, grabs and squeezes his balls really hard, and makes them slide around in his sack. Dylan soon manages to find a pressure point in Beth's hand, and makes her stop. But now, he is being WAY more cautious around her.

Later that night, Dylan goes to the basement only to find himself cornered. "Hey Dylan," Beth says as she walks toward him, "I want to snuggle." She hugs him, takes his hand, and brings him over to the couch where they both sit down and snuggle. Dylan feels Beth's hand moving up and down his body, and they move closer to his crotch after a couple minutes. When Beth makes contact, Dylan starts to protest, but Beth shushes him, saying "Don't spoil the moment. I did research on the internet, and this will stimulate your army count down there with the more I do, and it might pleasure both of us! But mostly me. ;)" And with that, she goes crazy with her powerful hands. Once Dylan is partially neutralized, Beth removes his shorts to reveal boxers.

Beth takes both testicles (one in each hand) and alternates squeezing moderately hard. Dylan is on the verge of passing out, and Beth moves on top of him. She squeezes his gonads until his eyes roll back and he passes out. As he's momentarily asleep, she manages to prop him up, and ties him to the door of the room. Before he wakes up, she strips down to her bra and panties.

Dylan wakes up to find himself tied up in his boxers in front of his half-naked girlfriend. "Beth...what are you doing?" he asks. She walks up to him, and goes "stimulation for you, and a lot of fun for me!" She smiles and pinches his balls. Then she backs up, and raises her foot up to his unprotected balls. She flicks it up a few times, beginning to kick harder each time. Then she moves closer and uses her hand to hit his balls repeatedly. At this point, Dylan's legs have given out. Beth unties him and he lays down on the floor.

With her bare foot, Beth feels up and down Dylan's thighs, and soon moves to the prize package. She takes his legs, and gas-pedals his balls. After a couple minutes of that, she completely stands on his grapes. Seeing that Dylan isn't going anywhere, Beth grabs a chair, sits, and uses his crotch as a foot rest. In her new position, she puts her feet pretty much everywhere, including his face. Whenever Dylan begins to protest, Beth slams her heel into his stomach, and reaches down to give his balls a HARD squeeze.

After almost 10 minutes, Beth gets tired of "stimulating" Dylan, so she just gives his swollen balls a couple of lightning fast kicks to finish off. She helps him back up onto the couch, and she tries to comfort him by snuggling. No more ballplay for the night, but much to come in the future! ;)


  1. Is this a real story?

    1. No. Just a fantasy I developed when thinking about her. I WISH it would've actually happened... my life would be a completly different story! XD

    2. Please drop me an e-mail.My e-mail is above. I would like to talk more about this with you because I have the same interests.Thanks!
